Last Day

As my final day in the USA begins I am reminiscing about my last 7 years in Southern California and all the people who have made it such a good time (and some who didn't but I want mention them - hey I just did).

I have worked with 2 churches. Firstly there was the El Cajon Blvd Church of Christ in San Diego. In the beginning I worked with two wonderful Christian elders, Floyd Melson and Tom Stavros. Two more different men you couldn't find but they proved to me that, in Christ, we are one. Soon three more men who had a big influence on me became elders. Garey Castle, who constantly showed me what true patience was, and who helped feed by hi-tech habit. Chris Delgado, whose servant spirit inspires me to this day. Mike Bucchi, whose spirit showed me that the truly powerful position on this earth was as a servant in the kingdom. (Mike was Vice Admiral over the US Navy 3rd Fleet.)

There were others at ECB. David Bates was such a joy in my life. His strength and happy spirit lifted me many times. When I sang next to him, even I sounded good. John Rudolph was a young man whose willingness to step up and and teach was so encouraging. Joey Tennison was another young man whose faith journey was a constant inspiration. Travis Moore was another young man who I loved being around and whose faith and personal support was always a great encouragement to me. Now that I think about it I have too many people to name. They were all good for me and I hope I was good for them.

The second church I worked with was the Glendale Church of Christ in the Los Angeles area. I have had a relationship with this church since the late 70s. Over the years God keeps calling me back to them and I am so glad He does. They always refreshed my soul and were always willing to learn and grow. My two elders for my work there were Wil Jackson, a godly passionate man whose heart always lifted me up, and Bill Rog , a constant and true friend with an abundance of wisdom and love. Another man who means a lot to me is Jim Settlemoir. He is a thoughtful and brave servant of God. I love James Sheldon, a wonderfully talented worship leader but more importantly a friend (his passion for sport exceeded mine). Bryan Schackmann is a true man of God, patient and caring. He was a pleasure to work with. He doesn't just talk the talk (ministers are good at that), he walks the walk. He gets the job done. Again there are too many to name.

God has truly blessed me in the past 7 years. It's been a trip with all the ups and downs of life but I am glad that God gave it to me. Now, home to Sydney, with a great deal of anticipation about who God will send into my life next.

Mac Attack

I must confess I love my Apple products. Not as much as my wife, my children or my grandchildren (yeah, other family as well, fill in the blank) but I do have a very deep personal (though platonic) relationship with my MacBook Pro and iPods. I think it may be an addiction but I don't care.

Besides the products, I love the way Apple markets its products. Without hardly spending a dollar they verbally leak some vague details about something and before you know it is a news item on every news hour in first and second world. I don't think the third world cares. They are having enough trouble feeding themselves. That truth should shut me up but it doesn't.

The much rumored tablet that Apple is supposed to announce soon has had as much written about it as the second coming of Jesus (maybe not that much but it is close, and so maybe the coming of Jesus). Just a few well placed conversations (no paper trail) and the geek world is all blogging itself within an inch of it's life. Amazing. Ingenious. Cheap.

Of course, they have to come up with the products otherwise would no one would care.

Is there something here we could learn to propagate the good news of Jesus who is the only one who really works and doesn't need a 3 year Applecare contract.

The Journey Home

Our journey of return to Sydney is well on its way. Lots of work to get everything packed or sold. Also, traveling a fair bit visiting friends and saying good bye.

I have enjoyed listening to someone else preach over the past two Sundays. That's something that rarely happens for me and I have enjoyed it.

January is summertime vacation in Australia. Everyone is enjoying themselves at the beach and spending time with their families who don't return to school until after the 31st.

We don't have all our finances organized yet but that is par for the course for mission work. When you commit to church planting you make a pact with God and it is cemented together with love, faith and hope. I have a plan but I also am convinced that God has a plan for Julie and I and He will reveal the details of that plan in His own good time. In the mean time, we know where we are going and we have friends and family there to help us. That's more than Abraham had when God sent Him out.

My mind has been on the Northside Church and I am inspired by the vision of it that I am seeing. I am getting a very positive feeling about what God can do there. I am usually a positive person but this time I am even more so. I really think God will do an amazing work with the few people He has gathered and will gather many more in our first year. Praise God.

The Big Move

As we (mainly Julie I must confess) are packing up to move back to Australia I have become very aware of how much stuff we have.

We are not taking any of our furniture, appliances, electricals and still the pile of stuff we are shipping home is getting pretty big. It's not that we are blessed with an abundance of stuff. It's just that even when you are careful about what you buy etc. you still end up with a big pile. I think it only really hits you properly when you have to move it all.

It's all good stuff. We wouldn't keep it if it wasn't because every cubic foot costs us money. However it made me think about the big move that each of us is destined to make back to the home made for us by our Father. All this stuff will stay here. Our paperwork, our favourite (got to get back to spelling in Australian) mementos, the necessary things for daily life and yes even our computers and phones will stay here and we will move on with only that which we were born with plus faith, hope and love. Even two of those things will disappear in the transition.

I am so looking forward to that move. The final move home. No more stuff to move.  Maranatha