The Non-Negotiables

I was challenged recently by a blog by a distant friend of mine, Dave Wasson. He decided to compile a list of non-negotiables in his life, hills he would defend with a fight. It made me think. After living a lengthy life so far, what things have I concluded are the truly important, the Non-Negotiables. In an honest moment I decided to compile my own list and share it. Time will tell if there is wisdom in this.

Rather than make it an unending list I decided to make it the top ten non-negotiables. They are not in order of priority but if you challenge me on any of these you will get determined and loving resistance. Don't try me when I am tired. You will still get resistance but I will get a bit nasty.

  1. My love for my wife, sons, daughter in laws and grandson
  2. My faith in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, together, the creator and sustainer of all and redeemer of all who will choose Him.
  3. The love God has for me as expressed in the life, death and rising of Jesus
  4. My obligation to preach the truth no matter how much it might offend friends, leaders or enemies
  5. I am a sinner who daily needs help from the Holy Spirit, friends, family and those I will meet today
  6. God has a plan for me and my wife
  7. I love my church, warts and all, while realising I am one of the warts
  8. I am expecting heaven and a long talk with Jesus
  9. My pride in my sons
  10. Led Zeppelin are the greatest rock group of all time
What are your non-negotiables? Have a go at making a list. You will be surprised what a clarifying experience it is to compile one and what a liberating experience it is to share it. Blog it, Facebook it, preach it, write it on a napkin, just do it. When you look in the mirror what are the non-negotiables that make you who you are? We are all unique creations of the Father. Our lists will differ but that's who we are.