
Life has its ups and downs. The Bible says so (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8) but you knew that already from your life itself didn’t you?

It is how we handle these peaks and valleys that is the true measure of our faithfulness to the Father. As Christians, we have something that those out of Christ do not have that gives us a highly effective tool for handling what life (and others) throw at us.

We have hope (Romans 5:4). We have so much of it we rejoice in it (Romans 12:12). To truly catch the essence of hope in Christ we must recognize it is very different to worldly hope.
Worldly hope tells you to have a positive attitude and challenges you to be optimistic without any real foundation. Now being optimistic and positive are good things but they are lies if they have no foundation in reality ie. no reason behind them. If they are just wishful thinking (and on their own they are) let’s just call them what they are.

In Christ, “… hope does not disappoint us …” (Romans 5:5). Our hope is not determined by the alignment of the stars or the whim of capricious spirits. Our hope is solidly founded on the God who created all and His son who gave Himself to us. He is not the unapproachable authority. He is the one we have access (confident access) to (Hebrews 4:16). And what does this Father of ours says to us?
Many things. But today my mind is drawn (by my intellect or His Spirit I do not know) to “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6).
God is working. He has never stopped working. If we are working with Him we have great reason for hope. Why? Because that hope in God will not disappoint us.