The boys, Harrison, Ben and Alexander with their Uncle Andrew's dogs, Minnie and Toby

Finally received our visas yesterday. That's a relief. I will arrived back on Monday the 24th. At least I got to spend a few days extra with my family in Australia. It worked out well. Julie's mother got admitted to hospital night before last with chest pains and her father is still recovering from a knee transplant. It really helped them having us here. She is doing OK now. The doctor said it wasn't a heart attack but they are still doing tests to find out what is going on.
Alexander, number 3 son, got accepted into his college and will start February 18. Australia's school year is the same as the calendar year (Just in case you were wondering). Ben and Harrison continue to do great work for the Lord. I will post a video of a ministry that Harrison has been invited to join and help expand and use the experience he gained from setting up his Rock Concert Ministry (the Den and the Den Underground).