Australia July 16, 08

Arrived into Brisbane yesterday afternoon. Got a rental car after my Mastercard messing up a bit. International travel always has its complications. My son, Ben, flew up from Sydney and met me at the airport in Brisbane. It was so good to see him.

We drove an hour and half to Southport and went to the hospital to see mum. Didn't know what to expect. My brother Andrews reports had got a little better the last day or so. Mum was awake and looking very bright eyed. She is still on oxygen. She is still very weak and has a lot of fluid on her lungs but she looked a lot better than I thought she would. Maybe it was seen her son and grandson. She loves her boys. 

The next couple of days will tell if she is going to recover or if her frail body is going to give. Either way I am so glad I got to hug and kiss her yesterday and talk to her.  If she goes soon I want her to take a message to Jesus for me. More on that later. 

I am in McDonalds on the beach at Surfers Paradise and it is raining and overcast. I am just so glad I have internet access. Coming from Southern California, rain is such a delight. 

going to spend a few hours with mum today and sit down and talk with my brother about getting our family affairs in order. It is so good to have Ben with me. He is such a delight and such a strong and faith filled disciple of Jesus. I am so proud of him and Harrison and Alexander who I hope to see in a few days.

Later, G