Using the Internet Effectively in the Kingdom

I'm not talking about the future. I have found in my present ministry that the internet has been helpful in some areas and pretty useless in others. Here are my personal observations.

1. We get more visitors at church from our website than anything else. That probably has more to do with the fact that most people moving into our area are young adults looking to get into the movie and TV industry. They use the internet almost exclusively to find their way in the world. So, when they look for a church, they do a web search and our website comes up pretty close to the top of any list. We can manipulate that a bit with Google but not much. Google "Glendale Church" and see what comes up. The results from our website, at such a nominal cost, more than justify it as an effective tool.

2. Private email list of all members. I maintain an email list that people voluntarily get on to. No one else has this list. Not the elders or the office. I use it to communicate with the church at least twice a week. I get more positive feedback from this one ministry that all the sermons I preach. If anything of significance occurs within our church, most of our members know about it within a hour or so. We do have some in the church who do not have email and so we mail out a summary in the middle of the week for them. 

I have tried to use the internet for other things but have found it not very effective in these areas. 
1. Teaching. I post all our messages on our website but I know that they are rarely listened to. I'm not going to stop because only takes me 15 minutes to do this and I live in hope that maybe one day this archive may actually be helpful.
2. Persuading. You can argue on a blog or Facebook page until Jesus comes and you will always get the same result. Your point of view will not advance and in the end all you have done is given the crazies (and there are a lot) out there a platform to spew their tragic beliefs. 
3. Connecting with the lost who are not seeking. You have some chance with seekers but the ones that are not will not end up on your web page and if they do they bounce out of there as quick as they can. 

OK, I have raved on enough. Ranted, more like it. But it's my blog and I will cry if I want to.