Video Ministry

I must admit I am not a fan of TV as an effective medium for the story of Jesus. That's just my opinion because it doesn't really speak to me. I know it does speak to many. Not that it has really been issue with my ministry because no one has ever wanted me to do TV work. As the old wise crack goes, I have a good face for radio. HD and closeups are just too honest. Check out this week's 30 Rock episode for some fun about HD

Anyhow I say all that to say that I am going to have a go at video ministry via the internet. My reasons.
  1. I can. For an investment of one hour a week i can share Jesus with a lot of people. Almost no dollar cost. 
  2. Many people watch internet video. I want to minister to them if I can. 
  3. It may actually help someone on their journey which for a lot of people today is a digital journey. Do you know that Facebook now has 350 million users. That's bigger than most countries, even the big ones. 
  4. I think I have a message from Jesus that actually helps people in finding God. 
My parameters
  1. Get out of "preaching" mode. That's tough for an old preacher. 
  2. Keep message to around five minutes. You talk about tough!
  3. Speak to real people in real situations with the real Jesus
  4. Don't get overly caught in production values. This obviously isn't a professional production, so why try to make it look like it. 
  5. Do it for 2 months and see how it goes. 
Well, here's the first attempt. Don't worry. It will get better.