Rather than make it an unending list I decided to make it the top ten non-negotiables. They are not in order of priority but if you challenge me on any of these you will get determined and loving resistance. Don't try me when I am tired. You will still get resistance but I will get a bit nasty.
- My love for my wife, sons, daughter in laws and grandson
- My faith in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, together, the creator and sustainer of all and redeemer of all who will choose Him.
- The love God has for me as expressed in the life, death and rising of Jesus
- My obligation to preach the truth no matter how much it might offend friends, leaders or enemies
- I am a sinner who daily needs help from the Holy Spirit, friends, family and those I will meet today
- God has a plan for me and my wife
- I love my church, warts and all, while realising I am one of the warts
- I am expecting heaven and a long talk with Jesus
- My pride in my sons
- Led Zeppelin are the greatest rock group of all time
What are your non-negotiables? Have a go at making a list. You will be surprised what a clarifying experience it is to compile one and what a liberating experience it is to share it. Blog it, Facebook it, preach it, write it on a napkin, just do it. When you look in the mirror what are the non-negotiables that make you who you are? We are all unique creations of the Father. Our lists will differ but that's who we are.