The church in Philadelphia is praised by Jesus. However the title of this post seems to attract attention so I will leave it as it is.
As a parent I have experienced a strange phenomenon. You see, I have found that I am allowed to criticize my children (only when they deserve it) but no one else is. In fact I will be very upset if you do say anything bad about my children (even if they deserve it). Parents have a sense of ownership and protectivenes and so do church members. We don’t like outsiders criticizing our church. I understand that but when the outsider is Jesus we need to drop our defenses (or defensiveness) and listen to Him. (He really isn’t an outsider, is He?)
What a church is this church (Revelation 3:7-13)? They have little strength and yet they have persevered in very difficult circumstances. They have kept the commands of Jesus and endured patiently. Jesus is lavish in his declaration of His love for them. This is a letter I want the church I am in to receive. I would read it from the pulpit every Sunday.
Being Christ’s church is a simple thing. Do what Jesus tells you to do and be patient. Yes, it is simple but it is not easy. Too often we complicate this simple life we are called to in the family of God.
Praise guide for such a life in His church!