One thing that I enjoy in San Diego during the summer is the opportunity to preach at some of our sister churches. Last night I preached at the Canyonview Church. They were very friendly and supportive of our hoped for move to Glendale. Keith Feerer is the new preacher at Canyonview and is doing a great job.
Summer in San Diego also means VBS. This week it has been ECB's turn and it has been a great week. A great bunch of kids and a great bunch of teachers and helpers. Today there was a big inflatable jumper in the castle. The kids loved it and so did one of our deacons whose name will not be revealed.
Summer for us this year also means getting ready for a move. I just got a load of boxes and Julie is packing them already. She is so good at this moving thing. This whole transition is difficult but the prospects are so good that we could do nothing other than respond to God's call. Please pray for us.
Enjoy the summer.