Not being willing to waiting in line at a restaurant or a shop or at the bank is a problem but not as big a problem as not being willing to wait on God. I must admit I feel like my life is in a bit of a lull at the moment. There's that word again.
I am working hard and long as an evangelist with Northside and as a computer specialist with the fruit company but there is this deep sense I have that, even though there is a lot of activity in my life, there really isn't a lot of progress. I have never been good at judging situations so I am not confident in my analysis. There may be a lot of progress being made and I am just not aware of it.
Well all this rambling has led me to a question. What do you do in a lull? Here are some thoughts I have as I look at the second half of 2010.
Accept the times. Be content in the situation has put you in. Didn't God say something about that?
Work hard at what you have before you. Just because you can't see a significant purpose in what is before you doesn't mean that God will not use it (or has already planned to use it) for His will.Love people. Whoever is in your life, love them. Don't look at them as stepping stones to success in ministry or God's purpose for you. Just love them.
Love God. Remember this whole "living on Earth thing" is about God and you. Love Him. He says this is the most important thing so who are you to argue?Pray a lot. Talk to Him who thinks about you more than anyone else.
Read His word. Seems so trite to say this but It is the things that we think are childish that often are the most important. Just read it. Don't study it, analyze it or use it as prep for a lesson. Just read it.Got off your own back. Stop beating yourself up. You can only do what you can do. Take each day one at a time. Enjoy the ride. Otherwise God will never be able to use you as you want Him to.
I know I said all those things to the amorphous "you" but I was talking to "me" but I thought I would take it better if I thought this was for someone else first. I'm such a man. And I also write most of my blogs for therapy and this has been good for me.
What do you do in a lull?