Taste The Difference

We just received a package from some friends in Southern California. It included 4 jars of peanut butter. Like you, I thought peanut butter in Australia was perfectly good, but not my wife. She has been whinging about how the American peanut butter (remember when we used to call it peanut paste in Queensland) was so much better.

She insists that she can taste the difference. It made me think of that verse in 1 Peter 2:2, 3, “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” Ah, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.

Our journey with Christ is not just one of faith. It is also one of experience. Yes, we must walk by faith, but along the way we experience God in a very real way. We taste Him and He is good.

It may sound a little silly or even a little disrespectful but here it goes. Does the Lord taste good to you? When you look back across the years of your journey with Him do you say, "This has been good. It hasn't always been an easy ride, but it He is good."

If there is an element of doubt in your heart that God is good consider the following universal truths. No interpretation or subjective views here. These are unassailable truths. Don't let Satan let one element of doubt live in the same room with you and these truths.

God loves to the extreme, shown objectively in Jesus' life and death. God has forgiven you of your sins. He has forgotten them. You may remember them but He has permanently erased them from His memo. Have you tasted that? He has added you to His family, His church, His kingdom. Have you tasted that? He has given you of His Spirit who now indwells your body with your spirit. Wow. Have you tasted that the Lord is good?

Back to my wife's original observation about peanut butter. It tastes different here. The more important question is, "Does the Lord taste the same as all the other gods (influences, people or groups) in your life?" If He does, then there is something wrong. Seriously wrong. It's like saying Kobe (LeBron, Steve Nash, etc.) is a good basketball player. Really. More like one of history's best. Jesus isn't just another person in your life. He is the Lord. He better not taste the same.

Now, back to the scripture. Now that we have tasted that He is good, what should be do? We should crave Him still more. We should crave spiritual milk (food). Don't just put in on the shopping list. Crave it. Long for it. Don't go a day without it.

Ahhh. God is so good. He's so good. He's so good to me.
