2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal
Yes, it is a catchy headline and it is not what Kurzweil said. However lets consider a few facts.
On its best day computer technology can only process data incredibly fast. It can't think about the data. It can't take into account life variables such as morality, laws, feelings etc. It can process information at high speed but in the end all it has is highly processed information.
Despite such fanciful movies views of the present (Enemy of the State), the near future (Eagle Eye) and the not to distant future (Terminator movies) computers can only do what they are programmed to do. Sounds boring and you won't see a movie about it.
Oh they can really mess you up. Remember the old adage, "To err is human but to really screw things up takes a computer".
I love science fiction but really get ticked off when people fail to see the difference with science fact.