Life can really squeeze the life out of you. Busy, busy ... tired ... concerns ... money ... people ... work ... etc. etc. etc.
Let me speak in cliches for a moment. At the end of the day it seems like I am spinning my wheels. [Exit cliche mode]
I am in the middle of holidays with Julie and now with some of my family (Ben, Carly and Benji) and the last week has afforded me the opportunity to step back from all my responsibilities, think about nothing if I want, and just hang. In the context of such disconnectedness I have been able to gain a little perspective on all those things that press in on me.
A very perceptive man once said that there is nothing new under the sun. My worries, concerns and fears are no different to millions of others. Didn't seem like it until I stepped back and suddenly was able to see things with a little more clarity and perspective.
Life is really not about how much comfort or money you have or how much you can control. It's about how you see all those things in your life. And perspective really helps your sight. What's the most important thing about driving at 100 km/hour? Engine size. No. Aerodynamics? Airbags? Tyre pressure? None of these. Most important is your sight. [Exit Yoda mode]
Think I will step back a little more and see what I can see.
Bottom line. Holidays are fun but they are so much more. See you in a week.