Effective and Biblical Study for Seekers

I have been looking for a study program for those seeking to know God and I have never found one that I felt really hit the nail on the head.

Most of the studies I found and have used over the past 30 years assumed that seekers believed the Bible to be the word of God. I also found many of them focused too heavily on what a person does after they believe in Jesus rather than helping them through that critical part of the journey before they believe in Jesus. I include in this the few study series that I have authored.

I recently came across the ministry of James Nored, preaching minister at the Liberty Church of Christ in Liberty, Missouri. I have never met James but had heard some good things about him and decided to check out his website ( http://storyofredemption.com/index.html ) and to say I was pleased with what I found is an understatement. I highly recommend you check it out as well.