How to put James 3 into practice
1. Decide that you do not have to have the last word (even though it seems like the world will stop spinning if you don’t
2. When you feel anger rising up in you, decide to say nothing on the subject until after your next meal. You won’t want to do this when you getting angry so it is important to make the decision in a more rational moment.
3. Decide to only say things to people or about people that build them up. Gossip, like most sins, is fun but it is so destructive.
4. When you are next tempted to lie, tell the truth and see what happens. Follow this procedure each time you feel tempted to embellish the truth.
5. Train your tongue to praise God by doing so repeatedly. Let you emotions flow fully in your praise of God.
6. Decide that using foul language is something you will not do any more. It’s nothing more than the language of a person who just doesn’t care and you are a person who does care about people.
I received this email from someone in my James class at ECB. What a great spirit!
“I have to tell you that last nights class has influenced my behavior today. I spend time on this website where people often disagree. One person is kind of trying to draw me into a discussion where it could get heated as we have very different opinions on the discussion. Because of your class I have decided not to respond anymore. I stated my opinion (nicely) and have decided that that is all I need to say on the subject. But in the past I might have kept going because I hate not having the last word when I feel I am right. (I just can't understand how people don't realize what I am saying is right and immediately change their minds!!!)”