A Great Last Quarter

One thing I have learned from sports like basketball and Aussie rules is that the most important thing is how you play the last quarter. You may have a good first quarter but if you and not there for the 4th you are out of the game. It's the same with life. I was reminded of this by the story Ron Bainbridge told in his recent report. Ron preaches Jesus in Albany, West Australia. Here is the whole story.

"Lord willing, our brother SAM SAMPSON will celebrate his 100th birthday on July 11th, 2007 and some very special activities are being planned to mark this momentous occasion! I have provided a brief biography of Sam’s life below:

Sam Sampson born 11th July, 1907 at Boulder, Western Australia

Sam Sampson & his late wife Emma were baptized in 1966 during a George Bailey campaign held by the Embleton church in Perth, Western Australia. That same year they were part of the nucleus of foundation members to begin the City Beach congregation. In 1972 they moved from City Beach to become one of the families commencing Darling Range congregation. In 1979 they moved to Albany & established the Lord's church in their home until the numbers became so great they couldn't all fit & a building was hired. Sam was leading in all capacities, prayer, song leading, Lesson, Our Lord's Supper & any other need at this time. For a shy farming gentleman this was a huge happening, it just goes to show how real the Lord became to them both, they never looked back.

In fact, while still in Perth, Sam was excited beyond belief at returning to the Albany area one day, so that he could share the GOOD NEWS with all the people he once knew. His joy was so great. Sadly, there was not the response he expected, but as time went by, from Sam & Em worshipping alone in their lounge room, and with Ron & Fay's encouragement from Perth to keep going, their lounge room overflowed with people.

Sam & Em came from a rural background, with limited education opportunities. Had their own farm at Beaufort River, while running their own Bulldozing business, clearing properties and building dams etc. All Sam did he did well, even his dams were a work of art. This took them to various parts of W.A. living in their caravan & a big low loader to move the dozer.

When days work was done, they took every opportunity to study the Bible with people they were working for, using the Jule L. Miller and Texas H. Stevens Visualized Bible Study Series. Which was outstanding being such shy folk... but as we know, with the Lord's help nothing is impossible.

Sam & Em often travelled North for the winter (too wet to build dams) & again in Caravan Parks etc they continued to share their great love of the Lord. They took advantage of every opportunity to share Jesus with others.

Up until recent years, Sam served in the church's leadership in every capacity.

He was always willing to sit down & discuss spiritual things. A strong gentle man, with a humorous nature and big smile. Sam was always ready to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. His home was always open. His nature always the same, and he never gossiped.

Very sadly, in mid 1994 Sam’s dear wife Emma died. Throughout their married life Em's health was not strong, in those last months when Em could no longer be at home, Sam was at the nursing home every day.

August 2002, at 95-years-of age, Sam remarried a lovely Christian sister, Irene & they are very happy.

He still entertains us playing his accordian, mouth organ, piano and violin which he managed to teach himself about five years ago..

Many a young man has enjoyed spending time in Sam's workshop with him over the years.

Brethren, Sam Sampson has been such an inspiration to so many brethren in his steadfast love for our Lord and his church during the past forty years.

When we stop to think that Sam was 59 years of age when he put on Christ in baptism and has since then been involved in the establishment and development of three different congregations here in Western Australia, that truly is an encouragement to all of us who have been privileged to be associated with him. At 99 years-of-age, and turning 100 on July 11th, our dear brother Sam is now the most senior of all New Testament Christians here in Western Australia!

Brethren, it could be truthfully said of Sam Sampson, that he was a Farmer, Bull Dozer Driver -- who became a faithful preacher. So, from one who planted grain and shepherded sheep on a farm, he became a planter of God's word and a shepherd of some of God's sheep. -- How wonderful! "