Australia on My Mind

Last Sunday the elders of the Glendale Church, where I labor for the Lord, and I announced my intention to return to Australia in April of 2010. Family issues have precipitated our return. We have been talking and praying about this for 4 months now and have kept it confidential but now it is out there and I can speak publicly about it.

After 7 years, and almost 8 by the time Julie and I head back to Sydney, living in Southern California, I am meditating on our lives in Christ. Julie and I have been on a wild ride since our first years of ministry at the Eastside Church in Sydney in 1979 which was also our first year of marriage. My main thought is that I am so glad that the ride through God's kingdom continues with all the unexpectedness that has characterized our journey so far. The years advance but God continues to use this wreck of a life of mine to His ends in the kingdom.

I am so excited about the Glendale Church. God has lead them into a closer walk with Him in these past few years. They have strengthened in faith and are maturing in Christ. They have allowed God to work in their lives and wow, how He has worked. They now understand that Jesus is the center of the kingdom, not the church. They now believe that our message to the world is Jesus Christ, not ourselves. They now see their primary spiritual relationship as being with Jesus not with a church schedule. They have grown in their appreciation of God's grace and see their lives as motivated by that grace (rather than an effort to secure that grace). I love this church. I really do not want to leave but I will. Lots of mixed feelings here. Better bite my lip before I say something stupid.

I am also excited for our future. God will keep us connected with Glendale but He is opening up doors to a new enterprise in His kingdom. More on that at another time.

Lord keep us close to your heart and to your will.