Every day we make bad judgment calls. We sin. We fall over. We forget what is important. We zig when we should have zagged. We look down when we should have looked up.
We do lots of good things. We often get things right but we are like the best baseball player who is doing pretty good if he bats 300. That's getting a hit 3 times out of every 10 times at bat. And they give millions of dollars if you can do that.
Now this disparaging picture of ourselves is no cause for beating ourselves up. As disciples of Jesus we have had the messed up life of ours made holy. Not just right but holy. God's grace towards us is abundant. If we continue to follow Him in faith He continues to fellowship with us. Reminds of the song Broken Things
I am so glad that God still uses messed up people in His kingdom. Otherwise I would be of very little use in the kingdom. I realistically think that I am not that useful to God but I am so grateful that He still wants to use me.
There is a song that says it well
O, Lord, who uses broken things;
Who through broken clouds gives us sweet, sweet rain;
Who gives us bread from broken grain;
O, Lord, make me stronger through broken things
Don't know who wrote it but they got it right.