Right and Wrong and Right

Some Christians have given the impression that their main job is to be the arbiters of morality. They rant (and then rant some more) about how immoral the world is. Preachers seem to have the idea that their main job is to point out the moral shortcomings of people (especially those who are not Christian).

And as though that wasn't bad enough some of these moralists bemoan the loss of morals as a sign of what a terrible world we live in and they we are all "going to hell in a hand basket".

God certainly has revealed that there are things we should not do. True morality is centered in His will. The central focus of the message Jesus gave us to proclaim is that there is an escape from our immorality and sin. It's called grace. It's not cheap. It cost a lot not. Not for you but for God.

Yes, we must oppose any attempt to justify sin or to make any sin a righteous thing. In fact I am preaching on that this Sunday. But to do so without talking of the lavish grace God wants to extend to all sinners is just as wrong as the sin that is condemned.

It's like a doctor diagnosing you with a life threatening illness and NOT telling you of the cure that is readily available. That is wrong.

Some of us Christians have got to get off our moral high horses and get about the task Jesus has given us; telling everyone that God loves them, is desperate to forgive them and wants to adopt them into His family. Yes, God is our judge, but He also is our justifier (Romans 3:26). Let's warn people of judgment but let's also reveal to them the cure
