Facebook Rules!

  1. Don't say anything that you wouldn't say publicly
  2. Set the security settings so only Friends can see your details and comment. Drop down the Account Menu on the far right side and you will see the section. Follow the white rabbit. 
  3. Report Friend requests from people you have no connection with. There are links to do this on Friend requests.
  4. Don't be negative. Moan and whinge elsewhere. Prayer requests are OK but don't become a whiney status updater.
  5. Don't be overly political. I know I am fighting a losing battle here but I don't think Facebook is the place for you to tell me (repeatedly) that the communist antichrist is here and is the harbinger of the destruction of freedom and our nation. Just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I will keep flogging the dead horse.
  6. Stop trying to sell me stuff. I love recommendations of products that friends found a good buy but I am so over friends trying to sign me up for a muliti level marketing scheme. If you want to do that, set up a business page and get friends to join it who enjoy this stuff.
  7. Use the Hide feature to filter all those reports from Facebook games etc. unless you enjoy them. 
  8. TMI - don't give too much mundane detail of your life. Very subjective I know but here is a list of status updates that contain Too Much Information. Bodily functions, Eating habits (unless it was a really great restaurant or recipe), Sexual habits, Boring stuff, etc.
  9. Stop the deliberately obscure updates. Seriously, you aren't that deep. Make a comment, not a zen like probe. Everyone knows you are cool, stop trying to prove it.
  10. Don't make rules for Facebook
  11. Feel free to ignore the Facebook nazis who make lists of things not to do on Facebook. 
  12. Post as many photos of your grandchildren as you can. People really love it. 
  13. Unless you have a very interesting life don't post more than twice a day. 
  14. Make a contribution. Stop lurking and reading everyone else's posts without making a few yourself. You know who you are. I see you there. Lurker.
  15. Shut down the computer and get out there and talk to someone. 