Aliens Surprisingly Silent

Stephen Hawking, the man said to be the smartest man alive, said recently what a lot of people have been saying. It would be very strange, if not impossible, if among all the billions of stars, galaxies and planets that are said to exist, that earth was the only one with life on it. And not just life, but intelligent life.
Based on this thought many have concluded, along with Hawking, that there must be alien life forms just as intelligent, if not more so, out there who are looking for us, or who may have found us and are watching or who may be probing us as I write this. 
I am a sci-fi nut job. I love these story lines. So, it is not because I think that they are weird that I also have a question that leads in a different direction. Before we get to the question, we need to face some realities. 
There is no indication of any other life, let alone intelligent life in the universe similar to us. I don’t say that because of prejudice or a rush to judgment. For a whole generation now, we have been looking for and listening for signs of life.
After all, assuming the commonly accepted figures, the universe is at least 4 billion years old, give or take a few million. You would think that during that time at least a whole lot of other worlds like ours would have developed. That’s only logical. Assuming we weren’t the first (why would we be the first?), there should be abundant evidence of life.
Yet despite the determined efforts of SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) and many others, for a generation now, there is only one station on the universe’s radio. It comes from a noisy planet, third from a small star in the Crab Nebula known locally as Earth.
Listen to the Earth and you get reruns of I Love Lucy and The X-Files. Listen to the rest of the universe and you get what? Static. Yet there should be hundreds of world’s out there who have been producing radio signals for at least 2 hundred years if they are parallel in their development as us, or hundreds of more years if they are more advanced than us. Yet what do we hear? Nothing but static, white noise. We are not looking for the next hit sitcom. Just a few signals that are no random. Yet, what do we get? Not a peep. Not one.  Nada, zippo, the big goose egg. It is ludicrous to say that we will find it one day. The door slamming question today is, "Why isn't it present today?".
Now, here is my question. If, as the evidence indicates, that we are the only piece of orbiting rock in this universe that has life (blogging, tweeting intelligent life) on it, what does that indicate?
On this planet, there a millions of species of life, millions of stories of human life, millions of minds. Yet, you pick any place on this planet and go up 2 kilometres or so and you find not one piece of life for the next gazillion miles (and a few gazillion more) that isn’t something that we put there. What does that say?
Could it say that life is a result of creation, not natural development. Could it say that life comes from another source than that of the known universe? Could it say that life had a beginning, like the Bible has always said, and its beginning was caused by the creative act of a life outside this physical universe, God Himself? (Like 90+% of people on the planet believe). What do you think?