
"Why?" is a very important question. In fact, it is THE important question. When we ask it we often don't realize what we are saying. We assume that there is a reason for everything. It would be little strange if we kept on asking the question when there really isn't any reason for anything. We, innately, believe that there is a reason.

Consider the idea that there is no God, no unseen mind behind this universe and its contents. To those who subscribe to this, this world we live in is a series of elements reacting with each other in a totally random way. Well not the whole world. The bit that we humans effect is definitely not random. That effect is guided by human design. (we can see design in small human activity but yet many have trouble seeing design in the big things) However, the rest of this world, the living things, the land, the sea, the air etc. is just a bunch of things randomly reacting with each other.

In this context the question, "Why?", has but one answer, "There is no reason". Why does water freeze from the bottom down and every other liquid from the bottom up. "No reason", says the atheist. It just happens. Human behaviour is just the result of chemical relationships in the human brain. It just happens and a serial killer is born.

Yet, every single one of us look at this and ourselves and are challenged with the idea that everything looks like it operates for a reason. We may try to take God out of the equation and call on Mother Nature as the great source of the apparent design of all that we see but that is just changing the name of God.

If we accept that there is God who has designed this creation for a reason then the question, "Why?" becomes answerable. Why does water freeze that way? Because God designed it that way. It wasn't an accident. There is a purpose and we might even see the purpose.

Now just because we can ask "Why?" doesn't mean that we will get an answer right now but it does give us confidence that there is an answer and there is a reason for the sudden death of my friend. Trust in the Lord. He may not tell you the reason for all those things that you ask "why?" about but He does have a reason and one day you will know.

Everyone asks "Why?". Everyone, deep down, knows there is a reason. It just needs to be discovered.
