One of my son's just recently got engaged. Besides be so happy for him and his bride to be, it made me think about a couple of things.
I don't know about this, but it seems to me that people do better in the context of a close personal relationship with at least one other person of the opposite gender than on their own. God's stated motivation for creating Eve for Adam was what? “The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”” Genesis 2:18, NIV.
To put it in the language of my sons, being alone sucks. God has designed us to live life with someone. Marriage isn't just a baby making enterprise. It is relationship in which we function at our best. God is revealed to us a Father, a Son and a Holy Spirit who live together. We are like Him in that we function at our best, and have the potential to live life to its fullest, when we share that life with someone else. For every Adam there is an Eve.
However, many of us find ourselves alone. It may be divorce, death or just the progression of life whereby our children leave home. The result is the same. We often feel alone. And we do not do well with that feeling. It is often so hard to find another partner after losing one.
When the dust settles we always seek companionship, partnership, relationship and any other ship that takes us away from "alone". As a man, I do not practice what I preach (or at least blog) here. I, like countless other males of the species, head for my cave and think that the solitude actually helps me. For a while it might, but overall it just a childish and self centered way of avoiding whatever life is throwing at me. A little too judgmental? Maybe, but it rings true in my life.
In all of us God has planted within us the innate desire to not be alone but share our lives. We just get distracted or discouraged some times.
On a similar but totally different tack, why are we so fascinated by babies? Think I will leave that to another time. The USC game is about to start