Football & the Kingdom of Christ

I love football. Almost any kind of football. With the exception of soccer I really think you have to be crazy to play it. Don't get me wrong. I like a good bit of orchestrated violence as much as the next man. I just don't like it when the violence is directed at me. I am willing to suffer but really don't think moving ball over a line is a worthy enough cause.

Players are so passionate. Watch them. Often putting their bodies on the line. It should be this way in the kingdom of Christ. We have a cause that matters. Moving our ball, the gospel, across the line will change people's future, improve their marriages, give people purpose. Their celebrations will not last for just a week. They will rejoice for a lifetime because they have come to faith in Christ.

Servants of Christ! Serve him with passion, enthusiasm, power and purpose. Let nothing distract you. It is God who is at work in you. Let your faith in Christ move you the "so much more" He has planned for you. Get in the game and realize it is no game at all.