What Does God Want?

So many in the kingdom talk about their vision. That's a good thing (I think) but maybe we should also take time to consider what God's vision is for His people. After all it is His kingdom, not ours. It is His church not ours.

Literally thousands of years ago God revealed the scope and nature of His vision.
“... and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”” (Genesis 12:3). He wanted to touch every single person on the planet and He wanted to bless them and He was going to do it through a descendant of the man He was speaking to, Abraham. Now that's a vision. Given who Abraham was at this point, it was a crazy impossible vision

About 2500 years ago God would predict the establishment and scope of His coming kingdom in a vision to Daniel. ““In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure for ever.” (Daniel 2:44). "Those kings" refers to the Roman emperors and His kingdom would be eternal and swallow up all other kingdoms.

No one could ever accuse God have having a small vision. And I think that is the point that we should really focus on. God is concerned with the individual but we have to understand that this includes all individuals and magnifies His vision to unheard of proportions. He doesn't just want the church where you are to reach out to the disconnected and grow. He wants all of His churches to grow.

We, too often, get tunnel vision and think that God really only needs to be concerned with our neck of the woods. His vision is so far beyond that.

And we have seen part of the fulfillment of God's vision. In their day who were Abraham and Daniel? Crazy "one God" believers who really thought God spoke directly to them. And yet through both of them have come millions and millions of believers in Jesus, the King of Kings.

Yes, we have got to start somewhere. We are limited by geography. But, God isn't. At the same time as He is reaching someone in New York, He is touching the life of a barely literate woman in a desert somewhere. At the same time as He is calling one of your friends, He is calling a young man in a back water of China.

I can't help but think that if we took on more of the vision of God, we would be transformed in what we do in our little part of the world.

“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)
