
I was not born into geekdom. My mother and father never even saw a computer. I didn't use one in high school. I was too much of a sports jock. Not that there was anything around except very early Commodores (computers not a singing group). I went through Bible College without a computer. I had my trusty Smith Corona typewriter that had an "L" that wouldn't work (Hey, it was electric and used carbon ribbon!!!). It was not until around 1993 that I first touched a personal computer and its was an IBM compatible, twin floppy XT with 640K of RAM and a 20 MB hard drive (added a year later). Monitor was one color. I chose yellow. Could have had green but had to choose something. Isn't she a beauty. Cost me $1500 and now my watch has more grunt than it did.

Little did I know that this future doorstop was to evolve into a device that has become the center of my communication universe. And little did I know that I would evolve into what appears to be a geek. Seriously underneath this soft (some would say flabby) pear shaped exterior beats the heart of a sports jock.

Little did I know that it would be an incredibly effective tool in the ministry God has called me into. (Leave my prepositions alone. I like to leave them dangling)  It helps me study, prepare lessons, write articles, publish publications, create graphics, and communicate with my church, my family, my friends all of the world. Lucky it can't preach, otherwise I would be out of job.

All this from a device that was invented in 1981. The time framing on this incredible paradigm shift in how we receive and process information is amazing.

So, I now email my friends, Facebook my acquaintances, and blog for anyone unfortunate enough to stumble across my blog. I do it on my Macbook Pro and on my Blackberry. Yes, I may not have started out as a geek but I am now full blown, card carrying, and fully paid up member of geekdom. Hey, at least I'm not in the hall of fame like some of you.